[R2697 : page 283]


--SEPT. 29,30 & OCT. 1.--

WE DO not expect many from outside the State of Texas at this Convention; for the special excursion rates are restricted to near-by territory. Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Arkansas and Louisiana we believe participate, in whole or in part. As Texas is a very large state we endeavored to arrange for two Conventions, but could not obtain the excursion rates except for Dallas.

Our Convention will take advantage of the cheap rates of fare granted on account of the "Dallas Fair," and such tickets should be called for. If you desire to attend, inquire of your ticket agent at once for rates, train time, etc., and as soon as possible let us know on which road and train you expect to arrive; and how many will be of your party, males and females; if colored, mention it. State if you desire room and board at one dollar per day. Those who cannot afford even this moderate expense will please say so, and some comfortable arrangement will be made for them also.

"WOODMEN'S HALL" has been secured for the use of the Convention. It is centrally located at No. 349 Main Street. It is an easy walk from all depots, but those who desire can use electric car direct from the depots to the door of the hall.

A RECEPTION COMMITTEE will so far as possible meet all who arrive on the morning of Sept. 29th; but any failing to be recognized near the Ladies' Waiting Room door can readily find Woodmen's Hall as above and should proceed there at once.

We hope for a good attendance and warrant a warm welcome and a rich blessing to all true soldiers of the cross; and to those seeking to find and put on the whole armor of God. Come, intent upon doing good unto all--especially to the household of faith, as well as praying a blessing upon yourself, and you surely will not go away empty.

Arrangements for water baptism will be complete, robes, towels, etc. Yes, "Bro. Russell" will attend.
